7 april 2012


Ni vet den där känslan när folk nämner ens hemstad, eller kanske Sverige i en TV-serie? När jag åkte till San Diego kollade jag på scrubs (man måste älska Virgin America där man får kolla på TV och lyssna på musik gratis, de flesta andra som har tv även på kortflygningar måste man betalar för) Hur som. Tyckte den här konversationen var lite rolig.

J.D.: What are you doing here?
Dr. Cox: Mrs. Wilk was asking me some questions that I actually thought would be best answered by you.
Mrs. Wilk: Why did that sweaty attorney ask me if my affairs were in order?
J.D.: Because I wanted to make sure that you're as comfortable as possible.
Mrs. Wilk: As comfortable as possible? For what?
Dr. Cox: I'm going to sit for this.
J.D.: For the place that you're going. You know, the big puffy clouds... the bright lights... all your old friends...?
Mrs. Wilk: Seattle?
J.D.: No, no no no - not-not Seattle, the... you know, the dying... peacefully... place.

Mrs. Wilk: What are you talking about?
Dr. Cox: Now, I'm going to stand!

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