29 mars 2012


I don`t have my swedish computer with me and I think it`s so annoying to read without the swedish letters, so I decided to write in English instead. The majority of the readers of my blog knows English sooo.

Landed yesterday in the night and it was still warm. Had a maffia leader as my taxi driver, no I`m just kidding but he talked to me as I was 9 years old or something and warned me about eeeeevrything! Well well, went to bed early and woke up 8.10!!

Had no idea what to do today, but the wheather didn`t look that nice so I decided to go to Balboa park and visit the zoo. My 1st priority here in San Diego. It was awsome. I bought a backstage pass so I had a programe where we could feed and pet the rinos, feed a binturong, pet a zebra and watch all kind of cool animals up close. The coolest thing was that they have a "buddy programme" where they pair up a dog and a cheetah. The cheetah was so beautiful. And the dog was swedish. His name was Sven-Olof haha!

I also so all kinds of different animals in the zoo. But the most special one was ofcourse, the famous Panda! Wow, hooow cute it was. And the polar bears. Can`t believe that those 2 beautiful animals are 2 of the most endangerd animals in this world!

During the day the sun came out also so it was a great day!

Now I`m at the hostel again and I have no plan for the evening. Go out and eat something probably. My feets hurts so much though!! Don`t know how many miles I`ve walked today!

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